
London Camogie team launch ‘Shorts not Skorts’ campaign calling on Congress to approve shorts


Thomas McCurtains Camogie Team

Saturday 11 March 2023, London: Thomas McCurtains (TMC) Camogie Club introduces shorts to the team’s kit on an official basis, in a bid to move the sport forward, place the traditional skort in the archives of history and calls for Camogie Congress to change the rules on skorts ahead of the vote March 31st. 

TMC is responding to its players. In January 2023, the team unanimously came to the decision to support a campaign in favour of the shorts as a staple in the Camogie uniform.  Players have had enough of discomfort and impracticality. They need to focus on their game. The club is in its eighth season and boasts two teams across senior and intermediate levels.

Our survey says…

A survey of 240 people was also carried out to investigate the matter further - to democratically hear people’s opinions, from the players, the fans, the spectators. For Congress to look beyond history books and rule books and hear from the people on the ground today. The survey informs a report launched today “The Long and Skort of it: what purpose does the Skort play in today's game?” examining the skort from a performance, purpose and societal perspective.

Key findings:

  • 82% of people prefer to wear shorts than skorts

  • 98% of people believe women should be comfortable with their clothing in sports

  • 75% of people say the skort does not reflect current society

  • 95% believe there is inequality between men and women in sport

Barrier to the sport

The skort is proving a barrier for people accessing the sport. Deemed uncomfortable, unflattering, chaff inducing, patronising are repeated statements from those surveyed. Shorts are fit for function and performance. Skorts are not. Report findings cite that people were put off playing the sport because of it. 

County voices

Ultimately, you have to listen to players to move the sport forward and welcome new generations to the game. Press have platformed county players in recent years which seem to have fallen on deaf ears at board level. Dublin’s Even O’Brien spoke about this issue in 2018 with 42.ie“The players are crying out for this but they don’t listen. We’re the ones playing the game now, not them.” and Niamh Rockett of Waterford predicts “no Camogie in 20 years time if we don’t make changes” referring to skorts in Pundit Arena. GAA Joe asked Tipperary star Grace O’Brien what her one rule change would be “The Skorts - it’s so outdated and it drives the majority of girls nuts.”

Call to action

TMC are calling for the Camogie Congress to change the rules of playing gear to include shorts. To show your support for shorts over skorts, sign the petition here



Further findings and key quotes from the survey: here.

Media enquiries: Shauna Connolly s_connolly@live.co.uk

Penalty for wearing shorts:

The Camogie Association states in the rules that ‘playing gear must consist of skirt/skort/divided skirt…’ and the penalty for such a contest can result in a yellow card.

About Thomas McCurtains GAA Club

TMC is East London’s only GAA club, founded in 1920. The club encompasses Camogie, Hurling, Handball, Men’s and Women’s Gaelic Football as well as under-age. 

Instagram: @tmc_eastlondongaa

Facebook: Thomas McCurtains GAA Club

Twitter: @thomasmaccurtain

Lorraine Breen

Jessica Aigbologa, Ellen Wall, Victoria Macqueen, Michelle Connolly

Rachel Foley, Treise Moran, Laoise Quinn 

by Richard Ellis, Tue 11th Apr 2023